Still working from home 🏡 but it’s back to school 🏫 time for your child(ren)?
There are lots of factors to consider if you’re still working from home while the children return to school.
Your health comes first and it affects that of your child’s. Here are some health meal planning ideas to fuel your cognitive system and calm your anxiety:
The World Health Organization published a report that states it is possible to prevent anxiety by addressing issues such as work, housing, childcare, and education among others.
Let’s take a look at the strategies:
Keep good physical health
Challenge your brain
Learn anger management
Control and lower stress
Nurture relationships
Take time out for fun and leisure
Work on self-esteem
Think positive
Sleep well
Many parents and therapists ask us for strategies to help kids who are experiencing frequent meltdowns and tantrums or for ideas for kids who can't seem to calm down and regulate themselves, especially when it’s back to school time. We hope these tips have been helpful to you.
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Source:, Institute for Integrative Nutrition and original work by
Drs. Love (article author), Monica Dobbs-Medina and Helen Derbew
Dr. Love’s Integrative Nutritionist & Lifestyle Medicine Health Consultants